As of now, the COVID-19 pandemic in Iceland has been contained so that each day, only occasional or no infections at all are diagnosed. This has been achieved through the joint effort and solidarity of the public, extensive screening for the disease, isolation of those infected, widespread tracking of infections and quarantine for those exposed to the virus. The public has also employed extensive prevention measures and strict limitations on public gatherings have been enforced.

The response of Icelandic authorities and the aim of measures to combat COVID-19 have been clear from the beginning. The emphasis has been on ensuring that the essential infrastructures, in particular the healthcare system, are ready to respond the unavoidable strain caused by the disease in Iceland.

The most recent statistics can be found here.


The latest official information on travel restrictions can be foundhere.


LThe Federation of Icelandic River Owners has prepared guidelines for those involved in the operation of fishing lodges this summer, and for guides and anglers. The guidelines can be found here.